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A Focus on Collective Benefits towards Empowering Communities


31 December 2024


The North Kensington Amenities Trust was originally set up to address the issues faced by the communities due to the building of the Westway. Many years later, this became the Westway Trust


In recent years, under the guidance of trustees drawn from our areas of benefit, our planning has been driven by the same motivation, our work should assist the people in North Kensington to address the issues they face now and make the most of opportunities open to them.  Beyond its formal apology for Institutional Racism within the Trust, which we continue to work systematically and hard to eliminate, as part of a response to the Tutu Foundation Report, the trustees have also considered the issue of financial compensation directly to individuals. 


At their meeting on 5 December 2024, the trustees decided the Trust will not be providing financial compensation to individuals, both because there is no consistent rationale to support such an action but also because the Westway Trust is in favour of implementing collective benefit.  As our goals include generating a spirit of collaboration, we are taking the approach of re-establishing opportunities and spaces that were lost, promoting African Caribbean leadership and providing programmatic funds to enable healing and repair through community led activity*.


In time, we will also work at a strategic level to secure funds from others and make partnerships to enhance this approach.  However, if any individual or group considers they have evidence for individual compensation and they wish to discuss this with us we will of course make the time to do so, but would also advise them to take their own legal advice first.  A Reparations Framework will provide the basis for the ongoing opportunities and activity and this will be published in the new financial year. We will welcome any feedback on this framework.


*Details of our progress on these items, with commitments and time-lines can be seen in the two Progress Reports published since the Tutu Foundation Review. These can be found here. We want to share these widely to demonstrate accountability and transparency. 


The next Progress Report will be published in March 2025.




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